IBBI Regulations

Regulation No.DateDescriptionLink
IBBI/2017-18/GN/REG01214-06-2017Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Fast Track Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) Regulations, 2017Click Here
IBBI/2017-18/GN/REG01112-06-2017Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Inspection and Investigation) Regulations, 2017Click Here
IBBI/2016-17/GN/REG01031-03-2017Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Voluntary liquidation Process) Regulations, 2017Click Here
IBBI/2016-17/GN/REG00931-03-2017Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Information Utilities) Regulations, 2017Click Here
IBBI/2016-17/GN/REG00830-01-2017Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Advisory Committee) Regulations, 2017Click Here
IBBI/2016-17/GN/REG00730-01-2017Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Procedure for Governing Board Meetings) Regulations, 2017Click Here
IBBI/2016-17/GN/REG00630-01-2017Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Engagement of Research Associates and Consultants) Regulations, 2017Click Here
IBBI/2016-17/GN/REG00515-12-2016IBBI (Liquidation Process) Regulations, 2016Click Here
IBBI/2016-17/GN/REG00430-11-2016IBBI (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) Regulations, 2016Click Here
IBBI/2016-17/GN/REG00323-11-2016IBBI (Insolvency Professionals) Regulations, 2016Click Here
IBBI/2016-17/GN/REG00221-11-2016IBBI (Insolvency Professional Agencies) Regulations, 2016Click Here
IBBI/2016-17/GN/REG00121-11-2016IBBI (Model Bye- Laws and Governing Board of Insolvency Professional Agencies) Regulations, 2016Click Here


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